Facts about Medicare

5 Facts About Medicare That You Need to Know

If you’re 65 and older, chances are you know about Medicare or are at least learning about it. However, there is a lot to know, so I’m giving you five facts about Medicare that you may not realize.  Once you turn 65 and start collecting social security benefits, you must…
annuity a good option

Is An Annuity a Good Option for You?

In a world where people are living longer, often that means planning for a longer retirement. As an insurance agent, I get asked, “Is an annuity a good option for me?”  There is no clear-cut answer to that question. There are a lot of options when it comes to annuities.…
medicare scams

Medicare Scams: What You Need to Know

Medicare’s annual enrollment period is one of the most popular times of the year for health care scams. We are breaking down some scams and what you need to know.  AARP estimates that nearly 64 million beneficiaries are under attack from an army of scammers eager to defraud Medicare, which…
drug advocacy prescription assistance plans

Options for Drug Advocacy Prescription Assistance Plans

If you find yourself like millions of uninsured Americans, getting the medications you need can be scary. Fortunately, there are options through Drug Advocacy Prescription Assistance Plans (PAP).  According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2020, 31.6 million (9.7%) people of all ages…
medicare options for veterans

Medicare Options for Veterans

If you are a veteran, meaning you served active duty in the U.S. Armed forces, you may be eligible for both Veterans Affairs(VA) benefits and Medicare.  To be eligible for VA benefits, you must have served your country for a certain period of time, received an honorable discharge, and qualify…
medicare plans disabled people under 65

Medicare Plans for Disabled People Under 65

It’s something we may not want to think about; however, we have to. What would you do if you could no longer work because you suffered an injury or were diagnosed with an illness? You still have bills, maybe a mortgage, and your family to take care of.  The good…